Benefit from using expert choice
Benefit from using expert choice

  1. #Benefit from using expert choice full#
  2. #Benefit from using expert choice software#

However, in the case of multiattributes or a high number of comparisons, people simplify the attributes or make a judgment by excluding part of them or trade cognitive effort off against the accuracy of decision, which thereby lowers the accuracy of decision-making. Among them, when the comparisons between alternatives for which the attributes are simple and the number of comparisons is small, priorities can be easily assigned, clear reasoning for the decision may be provided, and logical fallacies are also relatively very little.

#Benefit from using expert choice full#

Just like the quote, “life is full of choices,” we make numerous choices every moment in the real world. This method has advantages that the number of comparisons can be reduced and also consistency is automatically maintained via determination of priorities first on multiple entities and subsequent comparisons between entities with adjoined priorities. Thus, in this study, we propose a method of assigning weights, which applies hierarchy structure of AHP and pairwise comparison but complements the disadvantages of AHP. If the number of comparisons can be reduced, a comparison within a single level is optimal, and if comparison can be made while the priority among entities is maintained, consistency may be automatically maintained. However, at the same time, the AHP has disadvantages that values vary according to the form of hierarchy structure and it is difficult to maintain consistency itself among responses. 10.1111/j. analytic hierarchy process (AHP) has advantages that the whole number of comparisons can be reduced via a hierarchy structure and the consistency of responses verified via a consistency ratio. Guo JJ, Pandey S, Doyle J, Bian B, Lis Y, Raisch DW (2010) A review of quantitative risk-benefit methodologies for assessing drug safety and efficacy-report of the ISPOR risk-benefit management working group. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (2013) Structured Approach to Benefit-Risk Assessment in Drug Regulatory Decision-Marketing: Draft PDUFA V Implementation Plan- February 2013 May 22. 10.2337/dc12-0413Ībdul-Ghani MA, Norton L, DeFronzo RA (2012) Efficacy and safety of SGLT2 inhibitors in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Management of hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes: a patient-centered approach: position statement of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD). Inzucchi SE, Bergenstal RM, Buse JB, Diamant M, Ferrannini E, Nauck M et al. Future studies which incorporate stakeholder preferences should evaluate other decision contexts, objectives, and treatments.Įxecutive summary: Standards of medical care in diabetes-2013. The AHP is feasible and useful to make decisions about diabetes medications. Participants reported that the AHP improved transparency, consistency, and an understanding of others' perspectives and agreed that the results reflected the views of the group. Exenatide was the best overall alternative if the importance of minimizing harms was prioritized completely over maximizing benefits. Minimizing severe hypoglycemia was judged to be the most important harm to avoid.

benefit from using expert choice

Maximizing benefit was judged 21% more important than minimizing harm. Participants judged exenatide to be the best add-on therapy followed by sitagliptin, sulfonylureas, and then pioglitazone.

#Benefit from using expert choice software#

We conducted the quantitative analysis using Expert Choice software with the ideal mode to determine the priority of treatment alternatives. Results were discussed and an evaluation of the AHP was conducted during a group session. The AHP model and instrument were pre-tested and pilot-tested prior to use.

benefit from using expert choice

During the AHP, participants compared treatment alternatives relative to eight outcomes (hemoglobin A1c-lowering and seven potential harms) and the relative importance of the different outcomes. We conducted an AHP with nine diabetes experts using structured interviews to rank add-on therapies (to metformin) for type 2 diabetes. To investigate the feasibility and utility of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for medication decision-making in type 2 diabetes.

Benefit from using expert choice